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Why Is Having A Comfortable Wheelchair So Important?

Why Is Having A Comfortable Wheelchair So Important?

Here is a breakdown of why a comfortable wheelchair is not only very important but also a lifesaver. If you are confined to a wheelchair daily, then it is probably right to assume that you are reliant on it for independence and for freedom.

A wheelchair is not just any equipment, it basically contributes to a comfortable life and enables you to live your life. Therefore, it is important to ensure that the wheelchair is comfortable.

Apart from the fact that you want to be comfortable in your wheelchair, there are other reasons to consider as well regarding a top-notch condition for your wheelchair.

Some of the reasons to consider are avoiding pressure sores as well as encouraging physical activity. Let’s take a look at more reasons to ensure your wheelchair is comfortable.

The Right Sitting Position

One of the first things that come to mind when wanting to ensure your wheelchair is comfortable is the sitting position. Determining what your seating position is going to be comes when you are first measured for your new wheelchair.

Therefore, it is important to make sure all of your measurements are taken by someone who is a professional and who knows what they are doing. With a comfortable chair you can ensure that hip pain, joint aches and pressure sores are eliminated.

Complications with Ill-Fitted Wheelchairs

There are a couple of complications directly attributable to an ill-fitting wheelchair. Some of these limitations we can consider to be life-limiting. They include but are not limited to:

Comfortable Wheelchair Encourages Activity

It is obvious to see that when someone is comfortable in their wheelchair, they are more prone to carrying out activities in it than if they were not. With a comfortable wheelchair you would feel more energized and be ready to head outdoors.

Being active and up and about will definitely eliminate the formation of pressure sores and pressure ulcers. By avoiding these sores because of a wheelchair which is fitting and comfortable you are more likely to have an active lifestyle.

A comfortable wheelchair seat should be of adequate width, enough to accommodate the person’s width, with a little extra room on either side for potential growth.

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