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Who Should Get The COVID Vaccine?

Who Should Get The COVID Vaccine?

Who Should Get The COVID Vaccine

The priorities of the COVID-19 vaccination programme are to prevent deaths from COVID-19, protect health and social care staff and systems, and protect those most at risk of hospitalisation. Many countries are embarking on the most ambitious vaccination programs to protect the general public against the disease. According to Private Clinics London, a widespread and successful COVID-19 vaccination can help reduce illnesses, hospitalisations, and deaths. The COVID-19 vaccines are exclusively available through the NHS, but if you feel you are at risk and have not yet been offered the vaccine, you can contact a Private GP London for advice and they may be able to help you contact your NHS GP regarding your vaccine.

Let’s Take a Look at Who is Currently Being Offered the COVID-19 Vaccine First:

People aged 45 and over- Current evidence strongly suggests that the single greatest risk of dying from COVID-19 is increasing age, and the risk increases exponentially with age. That is why the JCVI has decided to offer the vaccine to older age groups first.

People With Underlying Health Conditions- COVID-19 can make anyone seriously ill but people who are clinically extremely vulnerable due to underlying health conditions like breathing problems, heart problems, cancer, or suppressed immune systems are most at risk. If you think you might be clinically extremely vulnerable to COVID-19, you can contact a Private GP London for advice.

Health and Social Care Workers, Residential Care Workers, and Carers- people who work in Private Clinics London, health facilities, and care homes are also vulnerable to COVID-19 due to a higher chance of exposure to the virus and of transmitting the infection to vulnerable people they come into contact with in health and social care settings.

These 3 groups make up about 99% of the population with the highest risk of death from COVID-19. But what about everyone else?

People Between 18 And 44 Years Old- The government has promised that all adults will be offered the COVID-19 vaccine by the end of summer 2021. People under 30 are advised to have an alternative to the Oxford-AstraZeneca vaccine due to a possible link with extremely rare blood clots. Vaccines for children are currently undergoing clinical trials.

Pregnant Women- Pregnant women who get COVID-19 are 2 to 3 times more likely to give birth prematurely. The JCVI issued new advice for pregnant women in April 2021. Around 90,000 pregnant women have been vaccinated in the USA without any safety concerns being raised. PHE advises that pregnant women discuss the risks and benefits of vaccination with a trusted source like their Private GP London, Obstetrician or Midwife. Pregnant women should be invited for vaccination along with their age or clinical risk group.

Contact Northway Clinic

To learn more about who should be getting the COVID vaccine first, contact Northway Clinic today and speak to a healthcare professional who can answer any questions you might have.

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