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Should You Try Each Sporting Stimulants Individually?

Should You Try Each Sporting Stimulants Individually?

Should You Try Each Sporting Stimulants Individually?

Some pharmaceutical lovers advise you to try each sporting stimulants individually to find out how your body reacts to it. Here we are talking about the so-called “standalone” course. For example, take only Dianabol or only Trenbolone.

But Is It Worth Taking So Much Time?

The answer to this question depends entirely on your personal desire and thirst for knowledge. To gain muscle mass, you need only a few drugs, the effect of which on the body has been studied for a long time and even has therapeutic indications for their reception.

Absolutely all available drugs in our countries (former European Union) are not licensed drugs and do not undergo strict quality control.

A small exception is the products of Balkan Pharmaceuticals (the so-called Balkan Pharmaceuticals). balkanfarma’ although that undertaking is also not particularly checked. But it, at least officially works in accordance with some quality and control standards.

So, since most steroids are semi-official products or even illegal, then there can be no guarantee of the content and quantity of a particular substance, of course, you can buy steroids from yourself and do tests.

But who can guarantee that all drugs from one batch and even more of different batches will be the same and meet the same standard? None! Therefore, testing any drug for effectiveness is a thankless task.

And if we can not be sure of the substance, the amount and purity of the drug, then what concept of efficacy can we talk about?

Secondly, as a rule, each course begins with the minimum working doses of one or two types of steroids with a gradual increase in both the types of drugs taken and their quantity. For example, we start the course with 250 – 500 mg of sustanone per week.

And gradually, once every 4 weeks, we double the dose and then add methandienone or stanozolol to the sustanone.

If the drugs are effective (not fake), if you eat and rest enough, achieving better results, or increasing the volume and intensity of the workout, will be an indicator to you that the drugs work. That’s all.

Why Don’t We Sometimes Pick Up While We’re On A Sporting Stimulant Cycle?

Often in forums of sites in pharmacology topics, consumer complaints about the same problem are many. This can be described briefly as follows. The same drug is used for 2 courses. At the first, for example, 6 kg is picked up, and in the second – … almost nothing. And from this “nothing” in a few weeks there are still leftovers.

Without further informing himself, the novice consumer accuses the pharmacy seller of selling him a fake, unworkable drug. So, what’s really going on?

In fact, there are several reasons for this situation. If you follow 3 basic rules: eat in a timely and competent manner, exercise and rest between workouts (including sufficient sleep), then when comparing the results of the different “courses” you should take into account that … the maximum return on the use of any drug can be obtained only in “Pure Organism”, in the body, in which the work of the so-called ”

The “hormonal arc” is regulated by the organism itself. An increased level of testosterone is a novelty for the body, to which it has not yet learned to react and therefore has not learned to suppress.

This is the body’s struggle with an unusually elevated level of testosterone as a result of taking medication, which leads to a drop in the results from the beginning of the course to its end, as well as from the first course to the second, third, etc.

What can you do? Give the body a break from drugs, provide it with drugs sufficient to restore its own levels of hormones and their proportions, and then think about starting a new course! But there’s a problem here, too. The most effective and popular drugs, such as testosterone esters like testosterone propionate, have an effect at least a month after the last injection.

Then the body begins to react to the cessation of the supply of testosterone from the outside. It also takes a few weeks. Full recovery ends in just a few months.

For more in-depth information about Testosterone Propionate i we highly recommend this website information Of course, during such a time (3 – 6 months) you will lose almost everything you managed to win with drugs.

The variant with tablet preparations also does not alleviate the problem, since the abrupt cancellation of drugs that have not been taken at all in therapeutic doses causes the same acute reaction from the body, which has stopped producing its own hormone. As a result, the decline in results is faster and the side effects are stronger.

With experience come the schemes for the allocation of “courses” during the year, which are influenced by the goals of the person, his capabilities and his character. Therefore, there is a difference between an experienced “athlete” and a beginner.

Therefore, the results may not be satisfactory for those who do not give the body enough time to recover, but at the same time want no recoil.

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