
Because I’m Worth Health


Beauty: Lab Grown Diamond Rings Claws Explained

Lab grown diamond rings claws play a crucial role in the overall design, security, and elegance of a ring. While often overlooked, these tiny metal prongs hold the diamond securely in place, ensuring that it remains safely nestled within the…

How to Use Topicrem

If you haven’t heard of Topicrem, it is one of the go-to creams for dry, itchy, and irritated skin. It actually started when the owner of a pharmaceutical laboratory asked to find a formula to soothe his son’s issues with…

Cosmetic uses of Botox?

Botox is the shortened name of botulinum toxin, a beneficial toxin that is used for cosmetic treatments. Before is a procedure that is used to improve facial appearance, radiance, and smoothness. It is undoubtedly one of the most common and…