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Alcohol Dependence – Symptoms and Treatment

Alcohol Dependence – Symptoms and Treatment

Alcohol Dependence – Symptoms and Treatment

Alcohol is for people – it’s hard to disagree with this statement. Drinking alcohol has been around for millennia. The problem arises when we do not notice the gradual addiction to alcohol. Many people cannot imagine a Christmas celebration that will lack at least a symbolic glass of wine or champagne. Alcohol accompanies people during holidays, including family ones. Toasts are raised on every occasion – weddings, birthdays, professional success, the end of the year, or simply during social gatherings. You could say that this is nothing wrong with that. Unfortunately, the statistics are inexorable – people are drinking more and more, and younger and younger people are also drinking alcohol. This can cause you to become out of control and therefore become addicted to alcohol. What is worth knowing about it and how to deal with alcohol addiction?

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Symptoms Of Dependence On Alcohol

People addicted to alcohol are able to mask themselves very well – especially in the first stages of the disease, when they themselves deny the existence of the problem and do everything to keep the appearance that they are in complete control of the situation and the problem of alcohol addiction does not concern them. However, there are symptoms that can be seen in an affected person. The addict himself can also notice them, and noticing them is the first step towards health. How to recognize alcohol addiction? The symptoms of alcoholism are:

  • Alcohol craving – it is a kind of inner compulsion to drink alcohol. The sick person feels that he has to drink, and the thought that alcohol might not be available and he would have to live without it causes panic and anxiety attacks.
  • Lack of control over drinking – even if the sick person promises himself that he will end up with only one glass this time, he is unable to control himself and stop drinking at the right moment
  • Memory problems – colloquially known as a “broken movie”. Addicted to alcohol has ever greater memory gaps and is unable to tell what happened to him. Thus, he loses control over himself and his actions
  • Alcohol is the most important thing in life – hobbies do not count, family or work do not matter. The most important thing is to drink it – with someone or alone. This often revolves around looking for opportunities to drink alcohol, so that in the later phases you will not look for such excuses anymore and just drink
  • Alcohol Abstinence Syndrome – withdrawal from alcohol causes a number of unpleasant ailments on the part of the nervous system. There is feelings of anxiety, irritability, muscle twitching, diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, delirium and disturbed consciousness, as well as hallucinations

Alcoholic Addiction: Get the Treatment You Need

Addiction To Alcohol And External Appearance

Not only the behavior but also the appearance of a person addicted to alcohol can signal that something is wrong with them. What might a person with alcohol problems look like? See the physical symptoms of alcohol addiction:

  • Unhealthy gray skin
  • The wrinkles on the face of a person addicted to alcohol are deeper and more visible
  • Swollen face
  • Red eyes
  • Fatigue, caused by a sharp decrease in muscle mass

A person addicted to alcohol may also become aggressive – not only under the influence of percentages, but also when someone – wanting to help in the fight against addiction – hides alcohol from him, without which it is difficult to imagine the life of a person who has become addicted.

Read more: NP Addiction – dangers of snorting trazadone

Not every case is the same, and there are addicts who are better at masking the problem than others – of course, all of this up to a certain time. In alcohol addiction, specific phases can be distinguished, which indicate at which stage of the alcohol addiction the addicted person is.